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OverviewClick the Trifold brochure on the right for a short overview of CHNA,

with further details below.


History We were originally founded in 2000 as the General Maloney Circle Neighborhood Association to advocate against additional subsidized-housing construction in our part of town on the southern boundary of our circle.  But we soon expanded to our present Gateway/Diana/Dyer/Hondo CHNA boundaries as a Registered Neighborhood Association (now named Neighborhood Association, NA) with the City of El Paso's Neighborhood Services Division in 2004 to represent the interests and concerns of Castner Heights subdivision residents.

NA As a NA, we abide by the City’s Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance, provide points-of-contact and an Annual Neighborhood Report Form to the City, coordinate closely with the Neighborhood Services Division, and attend their annual Summit of all city-wide NAs.  In fact, at the 2014 Summit, CHNA was recognized as Association of the Year and awarded the plaque shown.  In turn, the city provides us with developmental/environmental/planning communications, and the opportunity to improve the quality-of-life for our neighborhood by way of the Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP)—a competitive public improvement program for small-scale neighborhood projects contingent on bond funds.  Through NIP, CHNA has been able to add picnic tables, trash cans, and trees to solidify our "Park Partnership" with Todd Ware Park as well as make sidewalk and curb improvements throughout the neighborhood.  We also support El Paso Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Programs which promote our security and safety.

EPNCAdditionally, we are members of the El Paso Neighborhood Coalition which is a city-wide network of all Neighborhood Associations that communicate with and support each other.


Conduct of Business.  CHNA is governed routinely by a Board of Directors of 6 (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Member-at-Large with these Duties) which appoints committees as needed and holds General Membership Meetings (GMMs) 3 times a year (January elections, May, September).  CHNA Bylaws, Treasurer’s Report, Secretary Minutes, and Membership Report are made available at each GMM.  Periodically, all members are notified by Gmail updates of these GMMs, any other significant events, and news affecting our neighborhood.  


Membership.  Per our bylaws, the membership of CHNA is open to all residents, all northeast business owners or owners' representatives, non-profit organizations’ representatives, and property owners or tenants who reside, own, or occupy property or maintain a business within the boundaries of CHNA.  Beside Regular and Business members, we have extended Honorary membership to individuals and organizations that have provided significant support to CHNA.  Dues are nominal, regular members may vote, and volunteers and helpers are highly encouraged.  To join us, send in the application shown.

Mission.  To preserve and improve the quality of life within the Castner Heights Neighborhood by fostering strong relationships, respect for cultural diversity, and pride among the residents.  The Castner Heights Neighborhood Association (CHNA) shall provide an organized and unified voice to outside entities and empower the residents of Castner Heights to identify community needs and initiate positive change through community-based problem solving.

Vision.  We see CHNA as a community-based, resident-driven forum resolved to respect ourselves and our neighborhood in order to sustain a clean, safe, friendly and secure environment for all our residents.

Disclaimer.  The Castner Heights Neighborhood Association and its Board make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.  All information is provided on an as-is basis.  Furthermore, the articles posted here express the views and opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Castner Heights Neighborhood Association or its Board.


Our Grand


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